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2023 Plastic Overshoot Day Report

Updated: Jan 13

Plastic Overshoot Day Report

Plastic pollution has emerged as one of the most pressing environmental challenges of our time, causing significant harm to ecosystems and wildlife. One crucial milestone in this crisis is Plastic Overshoot Day, which signals the point at which the amount of plastics produced exceeds the global waste management capacity. On this occasion, the 2023 Plastic Overshoot Day Report was released by the Swiss-based research consultancy Earth Action.

Understanding Plastic Overshoot Day

Plastic Overshoot Day represents a momentous day in a calendar year when humanity produces and consumes more plastic than the world’s capacity to effectively manage and recycle. It signifies the accumulation of plastic waste that surpasses the global waste management capacity, leading to plastic pollution spreading across the planet.

The Growing Plastic Waste

According to research by Earth Action (EA), nearly 68,642,999 tonnes of additional plastic waste will end up in nature this year, underscoring the scale of the problem. As plastic production continues to rise, the pressure on waste management systems escalates, posing a severe threat to the environment.

The Major Contributors

EA’s report reveals that 52% of the world’s mismanaged plastic waste comes from 12 countries, including India, China, Brazil, Indonesia, Thailand, Russia, Mexico, the United States, Saudi Arabia, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Iran, and Kazakhstan. Addressing plastic pollution requires collective efforts from these nations to enhance waste management practices.

Plastic Pollution and Its Impact

Out of the 159 million tonnes of plastics produced globally in 2023, 43% (equivalent to 68.5 million tonnes) will contribute to pollution. Short-life plastics, such as single-use plastics and plastic packaging, account for approximately 37% of the total annual plastic commercialized. These items have a higher likelihood of leaking into the environment, further exacerbating the plastic pollution crisis.

The Case of India

India experienced its Plastic Overshoot Day on January 6, 2023, highlighting the urgency to address plastic waste management in the country. According to EA’s Mismanaged Waste Index (MWI), India ranks fourth, with 98.55% of its generated waste being mismanaged, signifying a significant gap between plastic production and waste management capacity.

Mitigating Plastic Pollution

To combat plastic pollution, EA suggests that India and other countries should invest in waste management policies, including Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR). Additionally, phasing out plastics not designed for circular use can significantly reduce their adverse impact on the environment.

The Global Effort: UN Plastic Treaty

In March 2022, the world agreed to develop a comprehensive global treaty on plastic pollution, known as the UN Plastic Treaty. This landmark agreement represents an unprecedented opportunity to tackle plastic pollution worldwide. The treaty’s success hinges on effective scoping, negotiations, ratification, and enforcement with ambitious targets.

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