If you are someone who flies frequently, you already know that the amount of plastic waste generated by just a single meal onboard is a lot. Then, can you imagine the sheer quantity of garbage generated by airlines across the globe during their meal services? In an attempt to set itself apart from other airlines, Emirates is now revealing its new closed-loop recycling initiative this month. Yes, according to this initiative, all the things you find in use during the dinner service will now be recycled at a local facility and reused.
Keeping up with the theme of #BeatPlasticPollution for World Environment Day, which is on Monday, June 5, Emirates is ready to introduce its closed-loop recycling initiative this month. According to this initiative, the airline will recycle items such as plastic trays, snacks and casserole dishes, and bowls at a local facility, where they will be remade into fresh and ready-to-use Emirates meal service products.
As it happens, these newly recycled utensils will be introduced onboard this month. Moreover, old and damaged meal service items (millions) collected from economy and premium economy dining will be washed and checked and then transported to the facility in Dubai, where they will be grounded. After this, they will be reprocessed and manufactured into new dishes, trays, and bowls before being sent for catering services.